One Hundred Push Ups – Week 1 Day 2

Tonight was Day 2 of Week 1 of the Hundred Push Ups Challenge. I decided to do the push ups after my hour long run, which probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but oh well, maybe next time.

I was still a little sore after Day 1 on Monday, but nothing so bad it would stop me from giving it a go tonight. The program is quite deceiving actually; on paper the number of push ups looks quite manageable, but by the 4th or 5th set I know I’m in for a battle. I think part of the problem is my weak wrists, but that’s another story.

Anyway, on to the program. Perform 12 push ups, 90 seconds rest, another 12, 90 seconds rest, 10 push ups, 90 seconds rest, another 10 push ups followed by 90 seconds rest, before performing at least 10 to finish.

Both 12’s were okay (I even cut my rest to 60 seconds), the first 10 was fine too, but as predicted I struggled a little with the second 10. However, I did manage to finish with 13 good ones before calling it a day.

All in all, a solid workout, although I was a little weak and a little dehydrated from my run. Day 3 looks tougher and I think the secret is to not look too far forward in the plan!

How’s everyone else doing?

8 thoughts on “One Hundred Push Ups – Week 1 Day 2”

  1. Yep, Day 2 was “interesting” and Day 3? No idea. 🙂 Jelly Arms” is my new phrase for anything that doesn’t measure up! We’ll see how I measure up tomorrow. 100 sit ups today though, does that count? 🙂

  2. Kitzzy: Great question. I read about a similar plan on a UK friend’s blog last June. I followed the plan for 7 weeks, managed to do the magic hundred and then promptly forgot about it and lost most of my hard earned strength (note to self: maybe I need to add a section to the web site titled “after the six weeks”?)

    A few months later I featured the first 4 weeks of the plan on my other blog ( after deciding to take the challenge again. Can’t remember why but I didn’t complete the six weeks this time and the blog posts trailed off to nothing.

    The original push ups web site ( went down many months ago and out of the blue I started receiving emails asking if I had copies of weeks 5 and 6 of the plan. Luckily I had something saved locally and was able to reply to all the requests.

    One of the many emails asked if it was possible to post weeks 5 and 6 online, which gave me the idea of creating the web site. The basic principles are the same, but the look, feel and content is completely different.

    Hope that answers the question. Sorry if I rambled a bit!

    Andrew: “Doozy” is a great way to describe Day 3. Wait until you get to the next couple of weeks!

    Bill: Fantastic! Sounds like you’re well on your way. Good luck on Day 3 Jelly Arms….

  3. I just found your 100 push-ups plan today and it looks great. Haven’t started it yet, cus i have some exams this and the next week, and my form is…well actually i haven’t got one all together. I’ll start after my exams.
    There is a question i wanted to ask thou. Do you know any plans like the 100 push-ups plan, but to build abs, cus i would like to get all of my body into shape.
    Maybe it would be a good idea to make a plan that involves running, push-ups and abs work out.

  4. I just discovered the 100 Push-Ups site today, coming from Reddit. I am completely stoked to get started on it, because this is exactly what I was looking for to get going on a routine.

    Good luck with your progress, I’m hoping to turn my fitness around with this site. 🙂

  5. Good luck Chris. I noticed a ton of traffic coming from Reddit today. I hope the server can keep up!

    Have fun with the push ups and let me know if I can help with any questions ok? I’m no expert but may be able to help…


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