Endurolytes Success Stories At Chicago Marathon

Despite the extreme conditions at this years Chicago Marathon, I was interested to read a couple of comments by fans of Hammer Nutrition‘s Endurolytes product over at the Endurance Athletes Yahoo Group.

“I just want to send a HUGE thank you to all the Hammer people for
endurolytes. They really saved me at Chicago Marathon yesterday!!!
JC reminded me to begin taking my Endurolytes last
week and to make SURE I have them to take throughout the event. Wow
what a difference. Sure my hands were swollen like Mini Mouse’s
towards the end of the race. But I was still able to run across the
finish line and I felt fine the rest of the day (after the race).
PLUS, I’m really not that sore today!

Thank you”

“Just to chime in on the Endurolytes…I gave them to a friend that ran
Chicago…he has been running about 15 years, many marathons and getting
into ultra’s etc…

Anyway, I was so anxious to talk to him after to see his results…he
had 2 words for me…”I’m Sold”. He said that he did not experience a
single bit of cramping, and from the sounds of the conditions, it should
have been a cramp-athon!

Thanks Hammer, I know Endurolytes have allowed me to push through a wall
that I assumed was my peak potential!


Personally, I take a couple capsules every day with breakfast. Also, depending on the severity of my workout and the current temperature, I’ll take 1 or more before exercise, and possibly a couple during the workout. I always carry Endurolytes with me on runs over 10 miles, and use them religiously in any big race of half marathon distance and above. To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I suffered from cramps during a race and I’m sure it’s all down to Endurolytes.

Product description from the Hammer Nutrition web site:

“Cramping is your body’s final warning signal that you’re “on empty” electrolyte wise. However, your performance is deteriorating and you are slowing down long before you feel the slightest twinge of a cramp. To keep your body’s muscular, digestive, nervous, and cardiac systems “firing on all cylinders” you need a consistent supply of all electrolytic minerals, not just sodium and potassium. Plus, in many instances, you require greater volumes of electrolytes than any sports drink or gel can provide. That is why Endurolytes fulfills such a crucial component of your fueling by supplying your body with a perfectly balanced, full-spectrum, rapidly assimilated electrolyte source, allowing you to meet your widely variable electrolyte needs with tremendous precision, hour after hour, no matter what the weather throws at you.”

There’s also much more information available here on the benefits of Enduralytes, the best way to use them and nutritional information. If you’d like to try the product and take advantage of a 15% off your first Hammer Nutrition purchase, just quote the following code when you place your order: 29178.

Update 10/14/07: Just found another positive Endurolytes comment regarding Endurolytes and the Chicago Marathon:

“Thanks Hammer for fueling me safely through the wierdest race I have ever particapated in!
Although I was forced to stop at the 19 mile mark I felt fine! Bravo to your products.”

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