I’ve really enjoyed drinking ZICO coconut water lately. I found it at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago, and have been a little addicted to it ever since. According to their web site:
ZICO contains the five essential electrolytes that gives your body everything it needs to stay hydrated and perform at your best. One ZICO has more potassium than a banana – 15 times more than most sports drinks – to prevent cramping. Drink ZICO before or during a workout for the natural energy you need for optimal performance. After a workout, ZICO replenishes and re-hydrates you to speed recovery.

I typically consume a packet of Hammer Nutrition’s Recoverite in 12oz of water post-long run, but occasionally I fancy something a little more substantial. Therefore, after Saturday’s 20 mile long run, I decided to experiment a little and blend up a new Hammer Recoverite Smoothie
Sounds awesome. MUST.TRY!!!!!