Western Branch 24 Hour Fundraiser Run Update

Quick post:

Just found out that Western Branch High School sold over 300 raffle tickets at the Ed Lowery 5k Bash yesterday (see comment here). Apparently, some, if not all, the credit goes to my blog for posting about the Western Branch 24 Hour Fundraiser Run. Just goes to show what a great bunch of people there are in the local running community!

If you weren’t at the race yesterday, (a) you missed out on a great cross country event and (b) there’s still time to buy raffle tickets for what is panning out to be one of the great giveaways of the year. Tickets are just $1.00 each with current prizes as follows: airline tickets, a flat screen TV, Nintendo DS, digital picture frames, iPods, free race entries, gift certificates to numerous retailers, and much, much more. There’s also a 50/50 raffle which is increasing in value all the time.

Just stop by Western Branch High School during the event next Tuesday/Wednesday to make your purchase or feel free to contact Coach Ryan Carroll for more details – rcarroll82@gmail.com or 757-282-1440.


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There’s also still plenty of time to make a donation to the Western Branch Cross Country/Track Team for their upcoming 2009-2010 season. Just click here to visit the ActiveGiving web site.

Good luck to everyone on Tuesday/Wednesday!

7 thoughts on “Western Branch 24 Hour Fundraiser Run Update”

  1. Here are the prizes I have as of to-date (nearly $3000 in cash and prizes):

    $25 Sports Authority
    $15 iTunes
    $10 Subway
    2 Free Lunches @ The Grill @Great Bridge
    $10 Cracker Barrel
    $45 Outback
    4 x Free 8 Piece Tailgate Special (bojangles)
    $25 AMC Theatres
    3 x $5 Red Lobster
    Free Chick Fil A Sandwich and Biscuit
    $5 Jo Jack’s Espresso Bar and Cafe
    $20 Spaghetti Eddies
    Free 30min Massage at Aremel Massage
    $10 Running Etc
    2x $50 Running Etc
    Free Tire Rotation / Balance Harris Tire
    Free Oil Chance for 1 Year Jiffy Lube
    ipod Shuffle (x2)
    Kodak Ditial Frame (7″)
    Nintendo DS
    Flat Screen TV
    2 Southwest Airline Tickets (to be mailed to winner)
    4 VIP Tickets to Aerosmith
    2 VIP Tickets to Warped Tour
    2 VIP Tickets to Def Lappard
    2 VIP Tickets to Nickleback
    2 VIP Tickets to Kid Rock
    (all tickets include VIP parking, VIP party pass, VIP Box Seating – all tickets are in hand and ready to be delivered)
    Tides Box Seats (4) Tickets
    50/50 Raffle – (currently winner would receive $280)

    There are more, but my brain is fried…will add more as I get the final official list together before Tuesday!

  2. What an event, I am totally spent! We ran/walked over 2300 miles….raised nearly $14000 (in one day)…and had a great time doing it! Steve even won two raffles! Thanks again for everything Steve!


  3. Very cool – well done to everyone!

    Sat in the airport in Vegas at the moment. Heading home to Virginia Beach soon. Intrigued to find out what the raffle prizes are….


    Congrats to all once again…

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