East Beach Chesapeake Bay 10k

Went into Saturday’s 10k race feeling pretty good, which may explain the crazy pace I set off at in the first couple of miles. The warm up went well and despite a slightly delayed start, I managed to get off to a great start. The photo on the left (click for a larger view) is roughly at the 1.5 mile mark and shows me sandwiched between the eventual fist and second place guys. To be perfectly honest, I had no right to be there mixing it up with the fast guys at this, or any other stage of the race. It felt good though!

Once we hit the 2 mile mark (crazy 11:12 split), the two leaders pressed on and left me trailing but clear in the third spot. Mile three was pretty much into the wind the whole way; I slowed to a 6:02 but still went through three mile in 17:14 – a time I’d be happy with in a 5k!

Heading back to the East Beach community I was able to take advantage of the slight tailwind and record a 5:45 mile, but from here to the finish the early pace got the better of me and I rounded out the race with a 5:57 and 5:59.

However, despite feeling tired, the Newtons kept me on my toes the whole time, as both race photographs show quite well. I was also surprised by the number of comments/questions I received from other runners at the start line about the Newtons. Some had heard of them, but not seen them. Some had seen them in magazines but not in the flesh so to speak. Others had seen them but weren’t keen on the fairly high price tag, but when I mentioned the 30 Day Newton Guarantee a couple of guys said they may reconsider. Nothing wrong with trying a shoe risk free for 30 days is there?

Anyway, I finished the 10k in third place overall (1st Master’s runner) and picked up $150 for my troubles! The finish time wasn’t quite a PR, but with smarter pacing I think I can go close pretty soon – maybe at the Elizabeth River Run 10k at the end of May.

So that’s it; my last race before the Frederick Marathon next weekend and thankfully I came out of it injury free. There’s not much else I can do at this stage of the game to help my Frederick chances, except stay healthy, eat well and maintain the focus. Here’s to a favorable weather forecast!

Have a good week everyone!

[Photographs courtesy David L Fox Photographic Services.]

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