Back At It & Looking Ahead

Enjoyed a couple of days down time after the HAT Run 50K, but it didn’t take long for the legs to start twitching. I treated myself to a 90 minute sports massage on Tuesday and followed this up with a couple of easy afternoon miles over at the local soccer complex. Decided to spin a few miles on the bike trainer on Wednesday to flush out the remaining weekend heaviness, but today the legs felt fantastic so I coasted through an easy pre-work 5K and a swifter 6.5 mile effort during my lunch hour.

I wasn’t paying much attention to the pace, and was surprised to see I’d averaged in the 6:30s for the lunch run. Not too bad considering the blustery conditions.

I definitely think adding a regular sports massage to my training cycle has paid dividends over the last 6 or 7 months. Recovery from tough workouts/races has been quicker, and my range of motion and flexibility is slowly but surely improving. Feel free to mention my name at the Landstown Meadows Massage Envy to take advantage of a 1 hour introductory session for just $39.00.

In other news, I just signed up for my craziest event to date – the 24-HR Adventure Trail Run held at Prince William Forest Park in early May. I have no idea what to expect, so will be treating the event as a bit of an experiment and a chance to log a few miles before the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 Miler in June – yet another first for me as a runner. I’m kind of nervous, but excited at the same time. Should be an interesting couple of months.

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