Not sure where the month of February went, but here we are on the third day of March already. Crazy how fast time passes isn’t it?
Anyway, just been looking at my online running log and thought I’d post a few stats:
Total mileage – 206.1
Running days – 27 out of 29
Total mileage – 174.1
Running days – 26 out of 31
Weekly totals:
2/25/2008 — 3/2/2008: 54.5 Mi
2/18/2008 — 2/24/2008: 54.0 Mi
2/11/2008 — 2/17/2008: 52.2 Mi
2/4/2008 — 2/10/2008: 51.8 Mi
1/28/2008 — 2/3/2008: 42.4 Mi
1/21/2008 — 1/27/2008: 42.1 Mi
1/14/2008 — 1/20/2008: 38.8 Mi
1/7/2008 — 1/13/2008: 38.1 Mi
12/31/2007 — 1/6/2008: 35.6 Mi
I wonder how much longer I can keep increasing my weekly mileage? 9 weeks in a row so far, but with the upcoming marathon taper, it would probably be wise to start backing off. Surprisingly though, my legs are feeling pretty good at the moment. Must be the recent addition of Tissue Rejuvenator capsules to my daily supplement intake…..
I’ve been trying to figure out how many weeks in a row I can increase too! But with winter I’m having a much harder time actually getting in some of the longer runs, can’t wait for the warm weather.
Thanks for the comment Amanda. I think I can increase again this week, and probably again next week (after all, I’ll have a 26.2 mile run to boost my weekly total), but post marathon week is bound to be a slump. Unless I count the miles I drive to work of course…
Keep on running,
Awesome increase in mileage Steve! No wonder you’re getting faster every week!
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Charlie. I’m going to try to increase again this week. We’ll see how that goes..
I’ve only run a 70 mile week once in my life, and several in the 60’s. Usually I get injured when I approach the magic 60, but for some reason I’m feeling good in the 50’s at the moment. Hope I didn’t jinx myself.
Your cross training program obviously works for you. You had a fantastic long run this weekend and it really looks good for Shamrock.
Have a good rest of the week. No race this week unless you’re going to sprint the Pembroke Mile!