Here we go with another weekly recap —
- Monday – kicked off a brand new week with a brisk 2 mile stroll. Plan for the week was to add in some walk miles to get the legs ready for the inevitable walk breaks I’ll be taking in Saturday’s OSS/CIA 50 Mile Night Run. Jumped on the treadmill after work for 7 miles of incline work to include lots of ups and downs at a moderate pace.
- Tuesday – started the day with another couple of walking miles before work. Followed up with a 6 miler in the afternoon hot, hot, heat. Decided to test out a pair of potential race-day tri shorts with side pockets for gels etc., but the unexpected chafing made me rethink my plans.
- Wednesday – walked my usual 2 mile route, and enjoyed a steamy 7 miler after work. Nothing crazy with the pace – just keeping things ticking over…
- Thursday – switched things around and ran 5 miles before work, with the 2 mile walk taking place in the heat of the day.
- Friday – just a few, easy miles to Starbucks to kick off the day. The afternoon sports massage was fantastic and really helped flush the junk out of my legs.
- Saturday/Sunday – difficult to know what to do when your weekend race starts at 7:30pm, but my legs felt like they needed a run, so that’s what I did — 2 easy, morning miles to check they still worked. The actual race was so much fun and a brand new experience. If you’re interested in what happened at the inaugural OSS/CIA 50 Mile Night Run you can read my race recap over at dailymile. What a cool event!
No plans to run at all this week. My legs (and body in general) definitely need some rehab time, and for once in my life I’m going to do the right thing and allow the muscle damage to repair & rebuild. I’ll still stroll before work if the weather is good, and may add in the odd spin workout, but other than that, I’m going to enjoy the down time. Think I earned it!