Coach Jay Johnson Myrtl Routine

Coach Jay Johnson’s Myrtl Routine is a dynamic set of exercises designed to enhance hip strength, mobility, and stability. The routine specifically targets the muscles surrounding the hips, including the hip flexors, abductors, and external rotators. Its benefits extend beyond mere flexibility, making it a valuable addition to any fitness or training regimen.

Firstly, the Myrtl Routine aids in injury prevention by promoting balanced muscle development around the hip joint. Strong and flexible hips contribute to improved biomechanics, reducing the risk of injuries such as IT band syndrome and patellofemoral pain.

Secondly, this routine is particularly beneficial for runners and athletes. It helps enhance stride mechanics, allowing for a smoother and more efficient running gait. Improved hip strength and mobility can lead to increased power generation and overall athletic performance.

Additionally, the Myrtl Routine is accessible to individuals of various fitness levels. The exercises can be adapted to suit different needs and can be performed without the need for specialized equipment. This makes it a practical and time-efficient solution for those looking to incorporate effective hip-focused exercises into their routine.

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands with Carry Bag, Set of 5


In summary, Coach Jay Johnson’s Myrtl Routine offers a comprehensive approach to hip health, encompassing injury prevention, enhanced athletic performance, and adaptability for individuals of diverse fitness levels. Integrating this routine into a regular exercise program can contribute to overall well-being and physical resilience.

MYRTL Routine


Clams (8 reps on each side)

MYRTL Lateral Leg Raise

Lateral Leg Raise (5 reps neutral foot, 5 reps toe pointed down, and 5 reps toe pointed up)

MYRTL Donkey Kicks

Donkey Kicks (8 reps on each side)

MYRTL Donkey Whips

Donkey Whips (5 reps on each side)

MYRTL Fire Hydrant

Fire Hydrant (8 reps on each side)

MYRTL Knee Circle Forward

Knee Circle, Forward (5 reps on each side)

MYRTL Knee Circle Backward

Knee Circle, Backward (5 reps on each side)

MYRTL Hurdle Trail Leg Forward

Hurdle Trail Leg, Forward (5 reps on each side)

MYRTL Trail Leg Backward

Hurdle Trail Leg, Backward (5 reps on each side)

MYRTL Lateral Leg Swing

Lateral Leg Swing (10 reps on each side)

MYRTL Linear Leg Swing

Linear Leg Swing (10 reps on each side)

Linear Leg Swing Bent Knee

Linear Leg Swing, Bent Knee (10 reps on each side)

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