Eliminate Nipple Chafing With NipStrips

I typically don’t suffer with nipple chafing – never have an issue on short runs and races, and on longer training runs, marathons and ultras I usually apply a couple of strips of RockTape or just lube up with Squirrel’s Nut Butter. Both the tape and the Nut Butter have been very effective in the past, but when Stuart from nipstrips.com reached out asking if I’d like to try their product, I figured “What have I got to lose?” and jumped at the chance.

NipStrips are clear silicone, self-adhesive discs approximately 1″/25mm in diameter, designed to cover and protect your nipples for the duration of your run, race or workout. They are easy to apply (see below), undetectable beneath clothing (unlike other similar products on the market) and painless to remove.

I’ve used NipStrips on several long training runs and also during last weekend’s local 24 hour race where conditions were hot, humid and very sticky. The results were excellent – no nipple chafing, no issues and no need to apply new NipStrips – pretty impressive considering the sweat-soaked 100 miles I covered in just under 18 hours. Therefore, I have no hesitation in recommending NipStrips and at $14.99 for 20 pairs, they’re not going to break the bank either.


  • Gently remove product from clear strip (avoiding contact with the adhesive prior to application)
  • Apply to clean, dry nipple for best results.
  • Push hair away from the nipple to create the best possible seal.
  • Avoid repositioning the product once in place.
  • To remove, gently peel product from skin and discard.


  • NipStrips silicone adhesive is designed to adhere to and protect your nipples for the entire length of your extended workout while being completely painless upon removal.
  • NipStrips are designed to be undetectable beneath clothing unlike greasy, staining lubricants or awkwardly protruding products.

Money Back Guarantee

NipStrips offer a money back guarantee if you’re not 100% satisfied. See product packaging for full details.


If use of NipStrips results in any skin irritation, stop use immediately and contact a physician before continued use. NipStrips are latex free.

NipStrips are available to purchase in packs of 20 pairs at Amazon.com

Disclaimer: NipStrips are a media sample provided free of charge by Stuart at nipstrips.com

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